Both the kids LOVE computer time. I actually have to limit it to no more that 20 minutes per day for each of them. Miss often takes over Sir’s time under the guise of “helping her brother” so his skills are a bit behind hers when it comes to mousing and clicking. Since Nana has been here, he really likes to sit with her and have some one-on-one time with her and her Mac. They are both working on their skills…pretty cute, eh? Plus…it give me time to blog! 🙂
Archive for September, 2009
Quiet time with Nana’s computer
Monday, September 21st, 2009Bonjour!
Sunday, September 20th, 2009Miss is studying the world around her as part of her Core Knowledge curriculum at school. We have to study a country and then make a postcard from that country. We got France. So, we headed to the library and checked out some books about France and Paris including a cookbook and have been planning a special French day. So we spoke French to each other “bonjour” and ate French food all day! Breakfast was French Toast, of course. And for Dinner we had: a baguette with Gruyere cheese, Parisian salad, Quiche, and tomatoes stuffed with goat cheese. (Good thing we aren’t lactose intolerant, eh?) Then for dessert…..CREPES!!! I had thought to buy them ready-made and then just fill them….but Safeway doesn’t carry them. So I went to the cookbook that came with my most-fabulous blender and whipped up some crepes from scratch…just like I knew what I was doing!!! Miss had a great time filling them and serving them to all the adults….
She spread nutella in the middle, fold the Crepe and top it with strawberries.
Every thing is better with whipped cream!!!
all I can say is YUM…. and “Viva La France!”
Aunt SHARON!!!!
Saturday, September 19th, 2009More with Nana
Monday, September 14th, 2009Today when we got home from picking up Miss from school Nana was napping. SILLY NANA!!! After staying here for more than six weeks, you’d think that she’d know that napping with the children home is nearly impossible. We headed upstairs to try and let her rest a bit, but that lasted less than an hour before the littles NEEDED their Nana. So we snuck into her room to waken her…with snuggles, how else??
Then, since I had my camera handy, they needed to practice their photography too… Say CHEESE Nana!!!
So much more fun than napping, don’t ya think?
Sunday, September 13th, 2009There is a reason that moms tell their children that a pillow fight might not be a good idea…. It usually results in a child being injured. And yet, the pillow fights continue because… well, even mom’s admit they are fun!! Our house is no exception… we had family movie night last night up in the playroom and as a result the kids’ slumber bags and pillows were still down on the floor in front of the TV. On thing led to another and soon they were whacking each other with the pillows so I warned them several times. Then I took those evil and mocking pillows away from the children and returned them to their proper places on their respective beds. But lo and behold….I went downstairs with some laundry to fold (and football to watch) and those pesky pillows started to fly through the air once again until, yup….someone got hurt. Sir fell into the tea table upstairs and nearly broke his nose….nifty eh? But now he seems no worse for the fun, and oxyclean got all the blood out…. so we are ready for the next time.
Weekend Projects:
Monday, September 7th, 2009If I had been smart, I would have remembered to take the before pictures that should go here!! But I was soooo exited to get started on the kids’ rooms….well, I forgot! I did manage to take some after shots. Although, to be honest, they really were taken to show Nana what we had been doing all day since she can’t make it up the stairs…
Miss’s new furniture is courtesy of TeeTee. My sister decided that she was a little too grown-up for a bedroom full of white wicker and shared with our house. After much arranging, re-arranging, and re-re-arranging, we managed to get everything into Miss’s room in a manner that she found satisfactory and I could still get into to change her sheets (minor detail, I know!) Now we just need to get those wall painted, but one project at a time PLEASE!!! What do you think, cute eh?
While we were at it, we decided to work on Sir’s room as well. Since he has given up his afternoon nap, he no longer must live the Zen existence required in his room to get him to sleep. He actually gets to have some stuff in his room…toys even! Again, we still need to paint the walls….but here’s the big-boy version including train table:
Time to really decorate his room, don’t ya think? Any suggestions??
Lazy Day Saturday
Saturday, September 5th, 2009One of the best parts of family life is Saturday morning! We have consciously decided to avoid activities that force us out of the house early on Saturday mornings such as weekly lessons or team sports. Selfish, I know~ but we figure that we can manage to keep this policy for another year or so… and then life will interfere and we’ll have to join the frenzy of baseball games, skating lessons and the myriad of activities that besiege the modern family. Until then, we get to do this:
And this:
Why would we want to give this up any sooner than we have to??
Hooray, it’s FRIDAY!!!!
Friday, September 4th, 2009What’s more fun than a homework-free-Friday???? Finding some old (actually new-and-never-opened but forgotten in a closet and newly re-discovered) costumes for Sir. Now, you might wonder how costumes for Sir would be fun for Miss… I mean who wouldn’t??
You see, these aren’t just any costumes… they MATCH hers!! She found a Woody costume to match her Jessie:
And a Peter Pan to go with her Tinkerbell:
Now to decide what to be for Halloween…we only have two months left!!
Why I HATE Play-doh:
Tuesday, September 1st, 2009- kindergarten teachers assign it for homework because it is good for developing hand strength and coordination
- kids love it
- teachers like it for homework so they don’t have to deal with the mess at school
- kids love it
- it smells bad
- kids love it
- it sticks to everything, including the little cup it comes in and under mommy’s nails
- kids love it
- you can NEVER get all the little bitty pieces all picked up so some ALWAYS gets left behind to fall to the floor, get stuck to a shoe or bare foot (ICK!), get licked up by the dog and/or get ground into the carpet
- kids love it