We have been missing our family from CA. One of Sir’s most favorite people since she stayed with us in VA when he was only 8 weeks old is Aunt Sharon… we get to have her here for a one-week visit, oh happy day!!! Hard to tell who is happier isn’t it??
Archive for the ‘Fun in the sun’ Category
Aunt SHARON!!!!
Saturday, September 19th, 2009Girls’ Day OUT!!
Monday, August 31st, 2009Miss had a teacher work day at school today, but Sir still had class. So, we had a whole THREE hours to spend together doing something special..her pick! I offered to take her to a movie (which she really enjoys and sits in her chair the WHOLE time but her brother is a bother!) or ice skating, shopping, etc. My daughter proved again that she is a girlie-girl through and through…guess what she picked??? A SPA DAY followed by shopping!!!! Oh my!!! AND…we had to take Nana with us since she is a girl too!!!
We started with Lunch at Rubios (since it is one of Nana’s favorites…) and it took us over an hour to eat:
Then it was off to the Nail Salon for a pedicure for Miss and a Manicure for Mommy…same color for both- PINK!
She tried to look soooo grownup in the massage chair, but she couldn’t lean back and still keep her feet in the water! Once we were all dry, we headed across the parking lot to Target to spend her allowance money on Barbie stuff. We spent the rest of the weekend playing Barbie Wedding with our new Ken-in-a-Tux and Barbie wedding dress. Oddly enough, I think that I had as much fun as she did!
Last Fun Days of Summer
Friday, July 31st, 2009Our mom’s club decided to take a field trip over to the Children’s Museum over in Phoenix. There were a few of us willing to make the trek. For our family, it was one of the last events that we could do before school starts for Miss next week. Our last weeks of summer have been severely limited by both the heat and a broken elbow in a hot pink cast! We didn’t get to take advantage of the 115 degree heat in the 95 degree swimming pool…refreshing, I know~!! We also didn’t get to escape to Legoland, head to the beach, go bowling, or ice skating. We tried to hide in the movie theater, but with a 3.5 year old little boy… let’s just say that Mommy saw more of the lobby and the bathroom than of the amazing guinea-pig-special-agents on the screen.
The museum was just the place to run about, let off some steam and still stay air-conditioned…did I mention that the hot pink cast becomes very itchy when it gets hot, and the wearer of the hot pink cast becomes INCREDIBLY CRANKY when the cast gets itchy?? So…indoors is by far the better place to play. Besides, we got to cut up paper to make cool Native American art:
And pretend we are the checker at the grocery store…
And even sit in a really cool race car…
I mean, what else is there to do in the desert in the middle of summer??
Bad News, but Pretty in Pink!
Tuesday, July 28th, 2009We went to the Orthopedist today….bad news!! They want to take off the half cast/splint/sling thing that she has been wearing for a week and replace it with a real CAST!!! We were really hoping that once they took all the half cast/splint/sling thing stuff off, she’d just wiggle her arm and we’d be off. HOWEVER, since she flinched when they manipulated it and there was some swelling/internal bleeding at the elbow in the first x-rays, they are now calling it a possible OCCULT FRACTURE in her growth plate in the elbow and want to keep it immobile for another two weeks AT LEAST! Then she goes back in for more x-rays and re-evaluation. So there goes the rest of our summer vacation AND the first weeks of REAL SCHOOL, since she starts on August 5th. We are missing so much: swim lessons, ice skating, bowling with playgroup, the trip out to CA, etc. However, she is getting pretty good with her left hand… AND she got to pick out what color her cast was going to be: HOT PINK, of course.
At least I have an excuse to stay inside out of the heat…her arm gets all itchy when she gets too hot! 🙂
Too much Fun!!
Tuesday, July 21st, 2009What happens when you bounce too much in the bounce house?
You dislocate your elbow, and cause everyone to freak out. But a least the X-Ray tech recognizes you are cute and helpful and gives you a puzzle.
Miss fell at the bounce house in the gym. She should be OK, X-rays showed some fluid in the joint. We have to wear a splint and sling for 1 week. No Legoland this weekend 🙁
Beach Day
Friday, July 3rd, 2009Miss and Sir were off to visit with Mimi and Papa. Miss loves the beach and has recently discovered sand crabs aren’t that bad. Now she spends her time catching and releasing them as quickly as she can, because we “don’t want them to die!”
Sir just wants to build castles all day. We were short on shovels so we built our castle with a small tractor, also fun.
What fun, we will miss the beach when we get back to Arizona.
When living in the desert
Saturday, June 6th, 2009Some days it is just too hot to play outside, so what do you do? Head to the local Children’s Museum. Sir in museum Click to check them out! Miss in museum