Our mom’s club decided to take a field trip over to the Children’s Museum over in Phoenix. There were a few of us willing to make the trek. For our family, it was one of the last events that we could do before school starts for Miss next week. Our last weeks of summer have been severely limited by both the heat and a broken elbow in a hot pink cast! We didn’t get to take advantage of the 115 degree heat in the 95 degree swimming pool…refreshing, I know~!! We also didn’t get to escape to Legoland, head to the beach, go bowling, or ice skating. We tried to hide in the movie theater, but with a 3.5 year old little boy… let’s just say that Mommy saw more of the lobby and the bathroom than of the amazing guinea-pig-special-agents on the screen.
The museum was just the place to run about, let off some steam and still stay air-conditioned…did I mention that the hot pink cast becomes very itchy when it gets hot, and the wearer of the hot pink cast becomes INCREDIBLY CRANKY when the cast gets itchy?? So…indoors is by far the better place to play. Besides, we got to cut up paper to make cool Native American art:
And pretend we are the checker at the grocery store…
And even sit in a really cool race car…
I mean, what else is there to do in the desert in the middle of summer??
The pictures are great! Thanks so much. AS
I am glad to know that people are reading this… makes the time spent on it more worthwhile!