The long-awaited, eagerly-anticipated, counted-down-to day has arrived. Miss headed off to her first day of REAL SCHOOL and full-day kindergarten. She was sooo excited to lay out her clothes, set her alarm, pack her backpack and pack her lunch the night before. We were awakened by her this morning, before OUR alarms had gone off, and she was already dressed (not a small feat when wearing a long arm cast) and had her bed made. She looked soooo cute in her school uniform:
Out of respect for the crazy kindergarten parents, an exception was made for the first day of school and we were allowed to walk our children to their classrooms. Some of the children in Miss’s class weren’t really sure about this process or if they even wanted to be there at all. Miss couldn’t understand why I was walking her to her room, since she already knew where it was… but upon the explanation of “photographs of you for the computer” she was willing to accept my presence in her classroom, A.K.A. the Beehive:
Her teacher is young and nice and knows how important it is to pose for Mommies’ pictures:
Before she kindly kicked all us nosy and weepy parents out of the room so that the children could begin their day…leaving us to wonder what WE were going to do with ourselves while one of our precious little ones was in the (capable) hands of a (fully-credentialed and fingerprinted) perfect stranger…GASP!!!
Luckily it was an early-release day so we didn’t have to wait that whole extra hour to pick her up and interrogate ask about how her day went. Because, as the Mommy, I got to take Miss to her first day…Daddy left work early to be able to pick her up and interrogate celebrate her day with what else but RAINBOW SHERBET.
By dinnertime, we were all falling asleep in our plates. It has been such a long day… now she is off to sleep, dreaming of her next day in wonderland Kindergarten and I am off to cry…
WOW….what a big day for all. Yeah !