At a friends Lemonade Stand.
At a friends Lemonade Stand.
We have had a great time over the past three days just opening, building, assembling, playing, riding and spending time together. I do just LOVE this time of year. It is amazing how much we can cram into each day, just hanging out in our jammies!
Checking out our cool new ship.
Wrapping up in the new pink Snuggie while playing Barbie and her camper with the dog.
Assemble, assemble, assemble!!! Good thing that Daddy is good at reading the directions and putting stuff together…Great Sea Battle, here we come!
Wii time!!! We just love the Wii!
Because Wii can all play together.
And the weather is so nice, we just had to have a little time outside riding the new bike…
We had a crazy, fun-filled, kid-centered day. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see our family in Ventura. They sent the kids some super-fun stuff that we couldn’t wait to say “Thanks!”
Here’s what kept us so busy in November:
Okay, okay…. I know I have fallen wayyyyyy behind with my blogging and this will be a quick and dirty post to getcha updated. (In my defense, my laptop died so Chris had to build a franken-puter to save the picture files and then we had to wait for the new laptop to arrive… and then it takes time to get it all set up, and on and on and on…)So, October was all about:Learning to be a Daisy Girl Scout-A quick trip to Legoland for Fall Break-
We headed upcountry to a fun-filled pumpkin patch-
with a great petting area:
We finished up the month with a quick weekend trip out to Ventura and begged total strangers for candy….but look at these faces and tell me you could have refused them:
Tinkerbell and her best friend Captain Hook!
The long-awaited, eagerly-anticipated, counted-down-to day has arrived. Miss headed off to her first day of REAL SCHOOL and full-day kindergarten. She was sooo excited to lay out her clothes, set her alarm, pack her backpack and pack her lunch the night before. We were awakened by her this morning, before OUR alarms had gone off, and she was already dressed (not a small feat when wearing a long arm cast) and had her bed made. She looked soooo cute in her school uniform:
Out of respect for the crazy kindergarten parents, an exception was made for the first day of school and we were allowed to walk our children to their classrooms. Some of the children in Miss’s class weren’t really sure about this process or if they even wanted to be there at all. Miss couldn’t understand why I was walking her to her room, since she already knew where it was… but upon the explanation of “photographs of you for the computer” she was willing to accept my presence in her classroom, A.K.A. the Beehive:
Her teacher is young and nice and knows how important it is to pose for Mommies’ pictures:
Before she kindly kicked all us nosy and weepy parents out of the room so that the children could begin their day…leaving us to wonder what WE were going to do with ourselves while one of our precious little ones was in the (capable) hands of a (fully-credentialed and fingerprinted) perfect stranger…GASP!!!
Luckily it was an early-release day so we didn’t have to wait that whole extra hour to pick her up and interrogate ask about how her day went. Because, as the Mommy, I got to take Miss to her first day…Daddy left work early to be able to pick her up and interrogate celebrate her day with what else but RAINBOW SHERBET.
By dinnertime, we were all falling asleep in our plates. It has been such a long day… now she is off to sleep, dreaming of her next day in wonderland Kindergarten and I am off to cry…
We were so bummed out when Miss hurt her arm at the gym and we had to miss our fun get-away weekend to Nana’s house. Thankfully Nana and TeeTee came to our rescue and visited us at home in the desert instead~YEA!! We had to take them to our favorite new restaurant to celebrate their trip…plus the pancakes/waffles/corned beef hash/everything we’ve tried there is/are totally amazing!!! This place is totally kitschy and looks like it belongs up in Arrowhead/Big Bear/Mammoth Lakes area. No wonder we like it soo much, makes us forget that we live somewhere that it gets up to 115!!!
What happens when you bounce too much in the bounce house?
You dislocate your elbow, and cause everyone to freak out. But a least the X-Ray tech recognizes you are cute and helpful and gives you a puzzle.
Miss fell at the bounce house in the gym. She should be OK, X-rays showed some fluid in the joint. We have to wear a splint and sling for 1 week. No Legoland this weekend 🙁
Miss and Sir were anxious to perform. Sir played the music and Miss danced with her Barbie(new favorite!) It was quite a show. Hopefully, we can continue to work together. We were very tired by the end of our visit. We made a few new friends and played with the whole family.
Happy Birthday U.S.A. !!!!