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Summer Journal

Monday, May 31st, 2010

It is hard to believe that summer has started. Sort of…  I mean it certainly is HOT enough in the desert to earn the label of “Summer” and kids are both out of school. This year just seems to have zipped and zoomed right on by. So now we are staying up a little later, maybe sleeping in a little later, eating waffles for breakfast, and escaping the heat as much as possible…and journaling all our summer fun.  Miss received her summer packet which included writing in a journal this summer. I thought that it was such a great idea that I promised her that if she wrote in her composition book, I’d write on the blog.

She’s winning….

So here’s a quick re-cap:

Miss lost her first tooth:

Then we had several different Kindergarten celebrations:

Then we packed up and headed west to California. Brought the kids and dog out to Mom’s house and have settled our souls for a long summer’s rest away from the face-melting heat.  Which means we get to play outside, visit with family, and sleep under the covers.

So we get to cruise the lake with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sharon:

and eat lunch at Jilbertos with Nana- YUM!!:

I take that back…I am pretty happy that it is summer after all!

We were on the News!!

Friday, February 19th, 2010

At a friends Lemonade Stand.

More Christmas fun

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

We have had a great time over the past three days just opening, building, assembling, playing, riding and spending time together.  I do just LOVE this time of year.  It is amazing how much we can cram into each day, just hanging out in our jammies!

 sdc11247.JPG    Playing our new video games.

sdc11313.JPG  Checking out our cool new ship.

sdc11317.JPG     Wrapping up in the new pink Snuggie while playing Barbie and her camper with the dog.

sdc11320.JPG  Assemble, assemble, assemble!!!  Good thing that Daddy is good at reading the directions and putting stuff together…Great Sea Battle, here we come!

sdc11328.JPG   Wii time!!! We just love the Wii! sdc11331.JPG  Because Wii can all play together.

And the weather is so nice, we just had to have a little time outside riding the new bike…

Quick Christmas Clips

Friday, December 25th, 2009

We had a crazy, fun-filled, kid-centered day. Unfortunately we didn’t get to see our family in Ventura. They sent the kids some super-fun stuff that we couldn’t wait to say “Thanks!”



November Activites-

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Here’s what kept us so busy in November:

  •    School Carnival for the PTO at Miss’s school- sdc10649.JPG
  • An afternoon of computertime with Nana-  (Note the football game on in the background)


  • Feast and Fun, Kindergarten Pilgrim-style:



  • Hanging out with friends, celebrating their birthdays


  • Reading the HUGE paper on Thanksgiving morning, then making pies for dessert:



sdc10716.JPG                CUTEST PIE EVER!!!!!!!!

  • Reading to her best friend-   Click here to see the video (testing this…) 
  • Decorating the house for Christmas-


  •  We finished the month with a trip to the North Pole on the Polar Express Train Ride out of Williams, AZ.  It was a surprise for the kids and they had a BLAST (and so did their parents!!)


Update time: October

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Okay, okay…. I know I have fallen wayyyyyy behind with my blogging and this will be a quick and dirty post to getcha updated. (In my defense, my laptop died so Chris had to build a franken-puter to save the picture files and then we had to wait for the new laptop to arrive… and then it takes time to get it all set up, and on and on and on…)So, October was all about:Learning to be a Daisy Girl Scout-Daisy meetingA quick trip to Legoland for Fall Break-sdc10495.JPGsdc10509.JPGWe headed upcountry to a fun-filled pumpkin patch-sdc10551.JPGwith a great petting area:sdc10564.JPGWe finished up the month with a quick weekend trip out to Ventura and begged total strangers for candy….but look at these faces and tell me you could have refused them:sdc10627.JPGTinkerbell and her best friend Captain Hook!

Quiet time with Nana’s computer

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Both the kids LOVE computer time. I actually have to limit it to no more that 20 minutes per day for each of them. Miss often takes over Sir’s time under the guise of “helping her brother” so his skills are a bit behind hers when it comes to mousing and clicking. Since Nana has been here, he really likes to sit with her and have some one-on-one time with her and her Mac. They are both working on their skills…pretty cute, eh?  Plus…it give me time to blog! 🙂



Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Miss is studying the world around her as part of her Core Knowledge curriculum at school. We have to study a country and then make a postcard from that country. We got France. So, we headed to the library and checked out some books about France and Paris including a cookbook and have been planning a special French day. So we spoke French to each other “bonjour” and ate French food all day! Breakfast was French Toast, of course. And for Dinner we had: a baguette with Gruyere cheese, Parisian salad, Quiche, and tomatoes stuffed with goat cheese. (Good thing we aren’t lactose intolerant, eh?) Then for dessert…..CREPES!!! I had thought to buy them ready-made and then just fill them….but Safeway doesn’t carry them. So I went to the cookbook that came with my most-fabulous blender and whipped up some crepes from scratch…just like I knew what I was doing!!!  Miss had a great time filling them and serving them to all the adults….


She spread nutella in the middle, fold the Crepe and top it with strawberries.


Every thing is better with whipped cream!!!


all I can say is YUM…. and “Viva La France!”

Aunt SHARON!!!!

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

We have been missing our family from CA. One of Sir’s most favorite people since she stayed with us in VA when he was only 8 weeks old is Aunt Sharon… we get to have her here for a one-week visit, oh happy day!!! Hard to tell who is happier isn’t it??


More with Nana

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Today when we got home from picking up Miss from school Nana was napping.  SILLY NANA!!! After staying here for more than six weeks, you’d think that she’d know that napping with the children home is nearly impossible.  We headed upstairs to try and let her rest a bit, but that lasted less than an hour before the littles NEEDED their Nana.  So we snuck into her room to waken her…with snuggles, how else??


Then, since I had my camera handy, they needed to practice their photography too… Say CHEESE Nana!!!


So much more fun than napping, don’t ya think?