It is hard to believe that summer has started. Sort of… I mean it certainly is HOT enough in the desert to earn the label of “Summer” and kids are both out of school. This year just seems to have zipped and zoomed right on by. So now we are staying up a little later, maybe sleeping in a little later, eating waffles for breakfast, and escaping the heat as much as possible…and journaling all our summer fun. Miss received her summer packet which included writing in a journal this summer. I thought that it was such a great idea that I promised her that if she wrote in her composition book, I’d write on the blog.
She’s winning….
So here’s a quick re-cap:
Miss lost her first tooth:
Then we had several different Kindergarten celebrations:
Then we packed up and headed west to California. Brought the kids and dog out to Mom’s house and have settled our souls for a long summer’s rest away from the face-melting heat. Which means we get to play outside, visit with family, and sleep under the covers.
So we get to cruise the lake with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sharon:
and eat lunch at Jilbertos with Nana- YUM!!:
I take that back…I am pretty happy that it is summer after all!
Thanks for the pics. The lake event was really fun. Let’s do it again! AS