Beach Day

July 3rd, 2009

Miss at the Beach

Miss and Sir were off to visit with Mimi and Papa. Miss loves the beach and has recently discovered sand crabs aren’t that bad. Now she spends her time catching and releasing them as quickly as she can, because we “don’t want them to die!”

Sir at Beach

Sir just wants to build castles all day. We were short on shovels so we built our castle with a small tractor, also fun.

What fun, we will miss the beach when we get back to Arizona.

Father’s Day

June 21st, 2009

Wii for All

I have been really bad about posting here…somehow life just seems to be getting away from me on a daily basis. And the thought of going back and posting retroactivly is very overwhelming since it is now JUNE!  But, today is one worth remembering, so I’ll just post today and worry about yesterday… tomorrow.

Today we get to celebrate Daddy… and boy is he a daddy worth clelebrating. One of my favorite things about him is just this: his ability to forget about his chores and all the things that he probably SHOULD be doing in favor of this… nothing!!  Just sitting on the edge of the sofa and playing Wii with the kids (or trucks, tractors, princesses, etc.) He is making memories for our little ones, and me too! And afterall…today is about being a dad, not lawn-mowing, dog-poop-pick-uping, car washing or other such tasks…

…they can wait until tomorrow!  Love ya honey!!!

When living in the desert

June 6th, 2009

Some days it is just too hot to play outside, so what do you do? Head to the local Children’s Museum. Sir in museum Click to check them out! Miss in museum


January 1st, 2009

This site is a gift from my wonderful hubby as a way for me to expand on my blog, post more pictures, and generally waste more time on the computer… isn’t it great??

Happy Anniversary!!!

January 1st, 2009


Happy Anniversary – 13 Wonderful Years!!