Archive for the ‘family fun’ Category

The shortcut down the stairs is a bad idea….

Sunday, August 9th, 2009

But at least the firemen will come and take a picture with you and give you some stickers and a coloring book.

Sir and the firemen

My mom was bringing some laundry downstairs to fold and fell the last 3-4 steps down onto the tile on her knee.  I was going to try and take her to the ER myself, but she was in such pain that I couldn’t figure out how to get her off the floor. SO..we called 911 and the local guys zipped on over in the firetruck, sirens blaring!  It was soo exciting for Sir, but he wanted to play with the guys and they were working on Nana on the floor.  Luckily they had a moment for a photo op while she was loaded onto the ambulance.

Turns out, she broke her lower knee bone (tibia) into three pieces and it was too risky to operate until next week. She’ll be hanging out with us for a little longer than the week she had planned….closer to 3-4 months between the surgery, the non-weight bearing, the physical therapy, and range of motion support.  I guess it’s a good thing I have a downstairs bedroom and bath…should be interesting~